Yesterday evening, CSRA partnered with Age UK’s Opening Doors project to highlight 2014’s LGBT History Month. The event explored experiences of coming out in each of the decades since the end of World War II, and tied into LGBT History Month’s “music” theme.

The event was chaired by Baroness Barker, who is Liberal Democrat spokesperson on health matters and open Lesbian.

The event opened with Baroness Barker exploring how music has been a vehicle for the expression of sexual identity for a long time, sharing some of her own experiences and favourite songs.

CSRA Chair, Oliver Entwistle, shared a brief overview of LGBT History running up to the end of World War II, and introduced speakers from Opening Doors and the Civil Service. Each of the speakers shared their coming out experiences, and how music punctuated those moments.

The event closed with CSRA’s chair reminding us that the story has not yet been finished, with many countries around the world still having laws against being LGBT, and many societies closer to home not being very accepting of LGBT people.

LGBT History Month is an annual event, held in February, that raises the profile of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* people throughout history and highlights their contribution to society.