On 11 October 2018 I attended the “OneTeamGov LGBT*” event in Manchester. One of the organisers, Rachel Poole, wrote about the event and why it was taking place, earlier this month. I was pleased that this event took place in my home town as most Civil Service LGBT events are held in London.

Sharing best practice and creating an inclusive environment for all LGBT+ colleagues and customers were the themes for the day. Speakers from different departments of the civil service shared their experiences of implementing and promoting LGBT+ equality.

A variety of workshops took place. These included discussions on the importance of networking and investigating the barriers to coming out at work. My favourite contribution of the day was hearing an inspirational manager share her experience of supporting a transgender colleague within her team.

The day was filled with laughter, tears and the opportunity to interact with other LGBT+ members of the Civil Service. I came away with new ideas, new contacts, and most of all with a feeling of pride that there are many others who share the same views and goals.

It was a brilliant and well organised day. I look forward to the next one, and hope it will take place at this end of the M6.