Choose from one of the four sessions taking place in the plenary and breakout rooms across the conference or, if you are an LBT+ woman, join the listening circle.


15:30 to 16:15 Workshops and panels

Sessions include:

  • Local presence, national influence
  • Learning from the Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
  • Demystifying security vetting for LGBT+ civil servants

Breakout rooms are limited in size, so you may not be able to attend your chosen session. If your chosen session is full, you will be able to join any other session.

Listening circle

15:30 to 16:15 – Listening circle – LBT+ womens’ inclusion

The Civil Service LGBT+ Network will be hosting an in-person listening circle for LGBT+ women during the conference. This will be an opportunity to share your experiences and opinions of how being an LGBT+ women have shaped your experience of being a civil servant.

Breakout rooms are limited in size, so you may not be able to attend your chosen session. If your chosen session is full, you will be able to join any other session.