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The Civil Service LGBT+ Network is coordinating the Civil Service’s presence at Pride events across the UK in 2022. We are also organising an online programme of events to keep Pride On wherever you live.

We will be taking part in pride marches and parades in every UK capital city this year, as well as a number of other towns and cities across the country.

Find out more on our Pride 2022 topic page.

Joining instructions

Newcastle Pride: Saturday 23rd July 2022

Thank you for registering to join us for the Pride March with Civil Service Pride North East.

For those who wish to march with us on Saturday 23rd July then you must arrive at Newcastle Civic Centre for 11:30.

Start Location of the March.

It is advised that you arrive no later than 11:30 if you wish to march with us, the march will then begin promptly at 12:00.

The regional organisers, Sean and Emily will be around from 11:00.

There is no formal structure to your positioning within the march, you can simply arrive at Civic Centre, find a space and enjoy the procession.

The march will then progress down Northumberland Street and through the city centre and will come to an end upon Exhibition Park, leading in to the Main Entrance on the Town Moor. From there, anyone is welcome to stick together for group activities or do their own thing. The march is estimated to last 1 hour in total If you have any questions about the parade itself then please contact

To get to the event the Haymarket Metro and Bus station is a short walk away with connections to various places across the region. Newcastle train station is also a 15-20 minute walk away, there is car parking nearby but this will be likely to be very busy and the area is subject to widespread road closure so we would advise against this where possible.

Rules of the day:

Please remember that you are representing the Civil Service and that you should adhere to the Civil Service Code at all times, but especially when wearing the Civil Service T-shirts and during the march

Accessibility Guidance

We hope you have an amazing weekend with us and Happy Pride