Civil Service at Edinburgh Pride
- Date and time
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Derek and Marc will be outside Queen Elizabeth House, 1 Sibbald Walk, Edinburgh, EH8 8FT from 11:45am. We will move to the Scottish Parliament at 12:20pm and the march will set off at 1:00pm. Please join us before moving onto the Scottish Parliament. You need to be at Queen Elizabeth House no later than 12:00pm After the parade we would love to hold people together to take a large group photo. We will inform people of where on the day.
After the parade and photo, you are free to enjoy your time at Edinburgh pride as you please. Derek and Marc will happily share details of their plans, but they will not be offended if people just want to do their own thing. T-shirts will be provided as per the registration form which Marc will bring with him. Wear comfy clothes including shoes, as can be long day.
Feel free to bring face paints and hand waving flags.
If you are wearing fancy-dress, please respect the CS code of conduct.
Please remember that we are marching under the CS LGBT+ Network Banner, so again, please respect the CS code of conduct. – Whilst you may wish to attend wearing your CS T-shirt, please consider whether you will need a change of top for post parade.
Note re Alcohol – please do not consume alcohol for the duration of the parade.
If you are late to the initial meeting point, please make your way to the Scottish Parliament noted on page 1. If you are late to the Scottish parliament as well, and after 12:30 please call Derek or Marc and let them know, they will share details of where they are or the best place to meet them, if you are still able to join. Phone numbers will be provided in you welcome email sent the week leading up to pride.
No wristbands are needed for the march or the event at the EUSA Complex afterwards.
You will not need your CS ID. Depending on your age though you may need ID for purchasing drinks.