Supporting womens' inclusion in the Civil Service LGBT+ Network
Anna-Josie Linighan, our new Vice-Chair for Womens' Inclusion, writes about starting work to improve inclusion for LGBT women in the Civil Service LGBT+ Network.
I’m Anna, and I’m your new Vice Chair for Womens’ Inclusion. I work in international teacher recruitment at the Department for Education.
I’ve noticed that women aren’t always visible in the cross-government LGBT+ network, and I want that to change. I want to find out what the network can offer to women, and what we can do to make women feel safer and more supported. Do you want educational events? Socials? Career support? Or just the chance to meet new people? I’d really love to hear what’s on your mind.
I will be hosting a series of women’s listening circles. These will be open to any civil servant who identifies as a woman or femme, and considers themselves to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. These virtual spaces will be inclusive, safe, and informal.
Come along, meet new faces, and, most importantly – share your thoughts. You can come to one, or as many as you like.
Join our listening circles
All these listening circle sessions will be held online via Microsoft Teams. Details will be sent to those who have registered to attend in advance.
Our first listening circle will be at 11:00 to 1200 on Tuesday 12 July 2022.
Find out more details for this event
Our second will be at 15:00 to 16:00 on Thursday 4 August.
Find out more details for this event
Our third circle will take place at 13:00 to 14:00 Thursday 18th August.