Google Groups

Our Groups are expanding. Groups are email-based distribution lists. You can sign up in minutes; just by sending an email. Once you’re subscribed, that’s it. If you change your mind later, you can unsubscribe again with one simple email.

We are hoping with this expansion of Groups we will be able to help boost engagement on a local level. The North West has had a thriving group for some time now and it is a great way for people to be able to hear about more regional events from your local organisers. We have now launched a number of other Google Groups in different Regions & Nations. There are now Groups available in: London, North East, North West, Scotland and South East.

On top of the Regions and Nations there are two project groups available to join: AceSpace and BiSpace.

Joining a Group

To find out full details on how to join any of the Groups, visit the ‘Groups’ page.